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Getting started

How to install the library

The library release should be structured as follows: In order to build the library, you may :

Please note that the projects provided in the build folder rely on the folder structure that comes with the library release : This structure should not be changed !

In any case, you should always keep the structure (src/EasyCP + src/Common) and its content unchanged.

To quickly test the EasyCP library, you may find it useful to insert your testing code in demo.cpp, or replace its content with the template file provided below.

How to use the library

Here is a simple template file you can use to quickly start with EasyCP :

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "EasyCP/EasyCP.h"    // UPDATE THE PATH IF NECESSARY

using namespace std;
using namespace easy;
using namespace cp;

int main()

    catch (const easy::Exception & e)
        cout << e.what() << endl;
        return 1;
    catch (const std::exception & e)
        cout << e.what() << endl;
        return 1;

    return 0;

Now it's up to you !

Though using EasyCP should not require a high learning curve, it is recommended to

  1. read some of the introductory examples and the advanced ones
  2. read at least the main_features()located in the file src/Demo/demo.cpp that comes with the library.
    These sections will give you relatively exhaustive list of the types and functions that come with the EasyCP library, and serve as a runnable documentation.

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