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Welcome to the EasyCP library homepage

[online version of this page]

EasyCP is a modern, user-friendly C++ library that lets you use constraint programming in a very natural way, taking advantage of its expressive power !

The current version is 0.4 (alpha)

It has been tested on Windows with

Please keep in mind that this alpha release still contains many bugs and TODOs... However, the current API is quite stable and should enable you to solve common problems. Start small and grow, and make sure all your testing code is wrapped inside a try-catch(easy::Exception &) block.
Also, in case of strange behaviour or unhandled errors, try to run your program in debug mode.

If you encounter any bug, error or warning message (except for the type long long), do not hesitate to report it on http://sourceforge.net/p/easycp/discussion/help_/ or contact me.
[Do not report warning messages that only concern the files included in src/Demo].

Download link

License: MIT/X11


Most of these limitations should be resolved before the first beta release.


November 23, 2013 : release 0.4 (alpha)

- Documentation updates.
- Bug fixes.
- Refactoring.
- Support of heuristic choices.
- Add functions maximize and minimize.
- Add several functions working on Lists.

September 30, 2013 : release 0.3 (alpha)

- Documentation updates.
- Bug fixes.
- Refactoring.
- Int domains now support excluded values.
- User class ISolSet::Search added.

June 28, 2013 : release 0.2 (alpha)

- Documentation updates.
- Bug fixes.
- Refactoring.
- Efficiency improved for linear constraints.
- SolSet objects can be copy-constructed (deep copy involved).

December 20, 2012 : release 0.1.2 (alpha)

- Documentation updates.
- Bug fixes.
- Refactoring.

December 9, 2012 : release 0.1.1 (alpha)

- Documentation updates.

December 2, 2012 : first release 0.1.0 (alpha)

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